GP Services
Antenatal Care
We take part in the Health Services Combined Care Scheme. We offer medical, free of charge to all pregnant women for pregnancy checks including a 2 week and 6 week baby check
Blood tests
Most blood tests need to be taken in the morning. Ask for a morning weekday appointment for a blood test.
Cervical Smear Tests
Are available without charge as part of the National Cervical Smear Programme (CervicalCheck). Ask the receptionist about how to arrange this. We also offer smear tests outside the criteria for CervicalCheck.
Cervical Cancer Vaccines
There is now a very good vaccine to protect against cervical cancer.
Flu Vaccine
The flu vaccine will be available in surgery Please phone the surgery to book your appointment.
Childhood Vaccinations
These are necessary to protect your child from a number of infectious illness. Please check with reception.
We provide advice and prescriptions for all forms of contraception. We are aware of the particular concerns of younger patients.
Muscle Relaxant injections
This uses botulinum toxin for treatment of crows feet,frown and forehead lines
1 area 180 euro
2 areas 250 euro
3 areas 340 euro
Treatment of excess sweating
This is a very effective treatment for this condition using botulinum toxin to treat underarm sweating. The effect can last up to 9 months and
This uses nitrous oxide to treat a variety of skin problems including warts and sun damaged skin as well as some other conditions. It freezes and destroys abnormal cells allowing normal skin cells to grow back in their place
Family Planning
We can talk to you about contraception. We can also advise you on how to get healthy before starting a pregnancy.
Health Checks
Also known as well person checks. The intention is to detect problems before they become major and to advise you on how to stay healthy.
Joint Injections
We do some joint injections please enquire
Pre-employment Medical
A pre-employment health check screens you for any present problems and advises you on how to stay healthy in your job.
Some employers wish their employees to have health check ups and these can be arranged at the surgery.
Sexual Health
You may be worried that you have caught an infection from sex. We can test for these.
We can also teach you to examine yourself for cancer of the breast or testicles.
Surgery for ingrown toenails
A consultation required prior to the procedure
Travel Vaccinations and Medication
Very important if you are travelling abroad!
Vaccines can protect against many infections and medication can help prevent Malaria. You will also be given advice on how to reduce your risk of returning ill.
Try to schedule your vaccines at least 4 weeks before you travel.
Chronic Disease Management
We have enrolled with the HSE for chronic disease management of our over 65s with certain chronic diseases who have doctor visit cards or full medical cards with 2 free visits per year including doctor and nurse assessment and bloods
24 hour blood pressure
We offer 24 hour Blood pressure monitoring which is free for medical card patients and 60 euro for private patients it includes any prescription needed. It gives a recording of your blood pressure over a 24 hour period as you move around and sleep to give you a clearer picture of your blood pressure changes during the day and night
Fertility Assessment
We offer bloods and semen analysis referral and consultation for fertility assessment and ongoing referral if needed
Diabetic Care
We offer diabetic care with 3-6 monthly bloods as needed and full assessment for all our patients with diabetes